The Republic of Heaven

His Dark Materials RP

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His Dark Materials RP

Postby RAL » Sat Dec 08, 2007 4:11 pm

Site Link:The Aurora

Site Plot:
Same Story, You're Way

An RP based upon the award winning trilogy by Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials.

The Aurora follows the plot of the trilogy, but, an exception to this is that the ending will inevitably be different. The ending will be what you make it.

The times are growing harder, for all of the worlds. In Lyra's world, the Armoured Bears and Witches grow anxious within the frozen wastelands of the north, where further south, dæmons grow fearful. Even in Will's World, people are beginning to feel anxious, though they are not sure why.

A war is coming. A war that threatens to engulf all of the worlds. It is the war of the Authority and the Republic of Heaven, created by Lord Asriel himself to overthrow the monarchy of the Almighty himself.

And thrown in the middle of this, are two children, destined to hold the greatest weapons known to all the worlds.

So what will you do? Will you fight to defend the Authority, or join Lord Asriel to help bring about its destruction. Armies are mustering, and the time is drawing nearer. Every person makes a difference. What will your's be?


In The Aurora You have the chance to create your own character, or play as one of the canon characters avaliable. Your characters can be Human, Panserbjørne or Witch.

If you are interested in affiliating with The Aurora, please proceed to this link:
Advertisement and Affiliation

OOOOOOOK. RP has just started. Best thing is this is new, so most canon characters are not taken (Except Lord Asriel, Marissa Coulter, Lord Carlo Boreal). If you think the people in the book are all suckers, create your own. Influence the storyline. See what happens. Hope to see you there.
Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Dec 08, 2007 3:48 pm

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