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The Mixed Feelings Thread
PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 2:49 am
by Anoria
For when you can't decide whether you're happy or depressed.
For example: After excessive charging from fourth-flatmate's truck, AJ's car finally started tonight. This is wonderful news, because we thought there were more serious problems than a dead battery afoot, and it turns out it was just a really dead battery. (The power locks started working again after about two minutes of charging.)
Bad news: that means AJ is gone this weekend. Mostly this means that I'll get time to play my video games and do homework and have time to myself, but it also means that I'll be doing some thorough third-wheeling if fourth-flatmate brings his girlfriend over (though I heart them both) and I won't get cuddles. Or like... y'know... deep intellectual conversation 'n' stuff.
Re: The Mixed Feelings Thread
PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:03 pm
by Yrael
I can't decide whether to be happy about the snow, because i have a feeling that it would mean that there would be snow but i wouldn't be able to enjoy it as i would be forced to my school which would inevitably be the only school open...
Re: The Mixed Feelings Thread
PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:13 am
by intotheworld
I have something in particular that I do that I have mixed feelings about. When I meet people and know them for a while I start to form ideas about why I think they behave the way they do. I often feel that this is somewhat wrong to do and that I over simplify reasons people have for acting a certain way, yet I can't keep myself from doing it. I don't know if it's normal or not.
Re: The Mixed Feelings Thread
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 6:11 am
by jessia
i just went to the first going away party of my graduating year. it's sad. but the host got into grad school so i'll be seeing her in china in a few months, so really it's not like it's anything different than leaving for summer vacation.
but the prospect of more going away parties is sad.
Re: The Mixed Feelings Thread
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 4:36 pm
by Jaya
Elephant in the room.
Re: The Mixed Feelings Thread
PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 1:27 am
by Darragh
I told my friend have to move out. Very mixed feelings. I love this place.
Re: The Mixed Feelings Thread
PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:54 am
by Kinders
I have mixed feelings about the new look of the Pub.
Re: The Mixed Feelings Thread
PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:47 am
by Jaya
You can change it back to subsilver2 in your control panel =)
Re: The Mixed Feelings Thread
PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 8:49 am
by Kinders
Thanks - actually I like this pro-Silver gizmo. :)
Re: The Mixed Feelings Thread
PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 5:37 pm
by Alexandra
I really don't want to study and I can't concentrate on it, and yet I'm nervous like mad about my exams so I can't do much else without "Study!" popping into my head.
...I'll go shower.
Re: The Mixed Feelings Thread
PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 9:37 pm
by Anoria
Patricia just moved out. I helped her carry her blankets and dishes and the pictures from her desk.
Yay space, yay privacy...
Boo best friend and roommate of four years gone. We said we'll hang out but that barely happened while she was living here, I wonder how it'll go when it's actually effort to get together. Hopefully she'll have more time for everyone now that school's out.
The room looks very empty. Even though she left her Beatles and Rolling Stones posters above her bed so that the walls don't stay absolutely bare while I procrastinate decorating.
Re: The Mixed Feelings Thread
PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2009 2:05 am
by jessia
We said we'll hang out but that barely happened while she was living here, I wonder how it'll go when it's actually effort to get together.
maybe the (short) distance will improve the quality of your relationship?
Re: The Mixed Feelings Thread
PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2009 3:28 am
by Anoria
I hope so. The last time I became geographically distant from my best friend, after graduation when she and I went to different universities (both within-state, she's closer to home than I am)... well, it's been four years and I can count the times we've seen each other on one hand. So we'll see how this goes.
Re: The Mixed Feelings Thread
PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 3:48 pm
by jessia
today i was approved to graduate, more than a week later than most of my friends (probably because of unpaid library fines), so yay. but i didn't get first class honours, so boo.
Re: The Mixed Feelings Thread
PostPosted: Fri May 29, 2009 6:11 pm
by AlexSP
archie is marrying veronica? wtf??
Re: The Mixed Feelings Thread
PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2009 12:44 am
by Jaya
No way, I had to google to make sure you weren't joking.
...maybe it's a hoax, and he'll ask Betty and the publishers will say "SURPRISE, we really aren't as morally reprehensible as you believed us to be when we said he was marrying the spoilt rich girl over Betty, what kind of people do you think we are? lol"
That or he's totally secretly gay for Jughead.
Re: The Mixed Feelings Thread
PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2009 12:55 am
by LadyHawke
Always neat and well-dressed, and don't seem to have a steady girlfriend? He is SO gay.....
I hope Jughead gets up with Betty. He would be more fun to hang with anyway. Archie is WAY too straight....
Re: The Mixed Feelings Thread
PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2009 3:42 am
by Alexandra
Always neat and well-dressed, and don't seem to have a steady girlfriend? He is SO gay.....
I hope Jughead gets up with Betty. He would be more fun to hang with anyway. Archie is WAY too straight....
Lol, sorry, I love the irony.
(Bold added.)
Re: The Mixed Feelings Thread
PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2009 9:31 am
by LadyHawke
Sorry, I meant square, not straight.
And that, boys and girls, is why you shuddn't post while finishin your second beer......
Re: The Mixed Feelings Thread
PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2009 5:52 pm
by Mockingbird
That or he's totally secretly gay for Jughead.
At the least, Jughead is gay for him (although I don't see why when that sexybeast, Reggie, is around).
Look at the longing grief on his face: