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The Official being depressed for no (or any) reason thread
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 9:10 am
by Qu Klaani
Im in an economics lesson and its boring me to death...
Best go write some poetry about it.
In my blog
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 9:12 am
by Starshade
Dont worry Qu, I have to finish my Computing Coursework which, I think, needs to be 20 odd pages longer by 3.30 today.
I'm being slightly distracted by here, but I have no musci to accompany the boredom.
Thats depressing on the academic level.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 1:36 pm
by eloquent
Sorry guys, I'm not depressed anymore. Yesterday I lasted for about 5 hours, which is an all time record. I don't think depression suits me.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 8:13 pm
by Jameson
Christ, Im depressed.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 8:15 pm
by Qu Klaani
*slaps Jameson*
Be happy!
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 8:37 pm
by Melancholy Man
<Slaps Qu vigorously>
Don't be daft. We're all nothing, motes of dust swirling in nothing. not even Dust.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 10:00 pm
by Jameson
*slaps Qu back*
Im a 16 year old girl! I have a right to be depressed!
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 10:11 pm
by Qu Klaani
*slaps Qu back*
Oh that felt good, er I mean ow.
You're a girl? ~*pineapples*~ I never knew that, (or if I did I've forgotten)
Come to the bar, Your not a megamouth yet but Ill let you in and you can have a drink on me.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 10:21 pm
by Jameson
Why, what (or who) did you think I was? Damn my manly screen name, its really Jessica. And I'll take you up on the drink offer, unless the other Megamouths (who I greatly respect, of course) don't kill me first...
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 10:27 pm
by Qu Klaani
Well you used to have a picture of some boy as your avatar, and the screenname, meh whatever.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 10:37 pm
by Jameson
I know, talk about making a weird first impression
PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2004 4:28 am
by All_That_Jazz
I'm not depressed, just wallowing for small reasons like: I fell down in slushy snow and mud twice on the way to a friend's car, I fell up the stairs at school once today, it's snowing when it was about 80' F the other day, I missed first period and had to walk to school in snow with a heavy backpack for the second day in a row (yesterday because I woke up about 5 minutes before school starts because my alarm clock came unplugged and my carpool was waiting outside, and today because my brother couldn't find the car keys. meh.), and I feel left out because I really want to act in a show at school, not just be a techie, but I've never even been called back. Bah. And I know I'm better than some people who do act. (really, I am. Trust me.)
PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2004 11:00 am
by Townie
I am a 33 year-old man. I've never had depression, but I go through long periods of utter, unrelenting boredom
Long periods of grumpiness that annoys all those around you, so then you end up angry at yourself
and now total frustration having to wait donkey's years for the HDM films to come out...
Have found BTTS though
Bloody marlvelous!!!!
PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2004 11:08 am
by Enitharmon
Have found BTTS though
Bloody marlvelous!!!!
But what have you done with Vanessa????
PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2004 11:13 am
by Townie
eh? do you mean the person I was discussing fine art with way back? Don't know her, has she got bored?
PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2004 11:50 am
by Melancholy Man
Enitharmon wrote:
But what have you done with Vanessa????
I thought you'd got into a cat fight with her.
PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2004 7:16 pm
by Townie
Enitharmon wrote:
But what have you done with Vanessa????
I thought you'd got into a cat fight with her.
No, you've lost me now...Haven't spoken since the day I registered
PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2004 7:25 pm
by Melancholy Man
I meant Rosie, whose glare can kill a man a 30 yards.
PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2004 7:28 pm
by Townie
Naaah, mate - not that I can recall - I enjoy her posts
PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2004 4:14 pm
by Melancholy Man
<Starts sharpening knife on grandmother's honing-stone>