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Re: ask darren

PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:48 pm
by jessia
What does this mean? :?

"fille, on nous supprime; femme, on nous opprime."
I think it means,

"Girls, we suppress; women, we oppress."
it looks reflexive. someone with greater fluency in french should confirm, but i think it has the air of suppressing and oppressing ourselves if that "on" is the "we" and the "nous" is the reflexive bit.

Re: ask darren

PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:47 pm
by Blossom
What does this mean? :?

"fille, on nous supprime; femme, on nous opprime."
I think it means,

"Girls, we suppress; women, we oppress."
Thanks, that sounds about right. Now I just have to figure out exactly what the English means :P

Re: Ask Darren

PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:09 am
by Jaya
Reinstated in honour of Darren's return. Temporarily stickied.


Re: Ask Darren

PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:21 am
by bethanwy
Darren, how do I sit and listen to someone snoring horrendously less than ten feet away from me? I've been on a short break with my parents for the last couple of days and we're sharing a room to save money and I've gotten about eight hours sleep since Friday. *cries*

Re: Ask Darren

PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 6:12 pm
by darren
Reinstated in honour of Darren's return. Temporarily stickied.
goodness. i do feel honoured!
Darren, how do I sit and listen to someone snoring horrendously less than ten feet away from me?
you know that urban myth, about how a person eats about six or seven spiders in their sleep during their lifetime? it doesn't have to be an urban myth... they will soon learn, trust me.

and on the subject of urban myths, kind of: until a few months ago, i sat on a block of desks at work with donna and andy and vikki, and together we decided we would be known as the rural legends, just because we liked the sound of it. we all thought it would be a damn shiny name for a rock band. unfortunately, since the most complex musical instrument any of us can perform is the comb and paper, this idea didn't go much further.

and only-slightly-related to this topic by way of my having mentioned my desk at work in the previous paragraph: around april or may this year, our office had a massive move-around. everyone moved. even the desks moved. (even the small table with the boiled sweets on it moved.) anyway, now i'm sat next to little nicky (not named so because she looks like adam sandler from the movie, but because her name is nicky and she is really thin). she looks like a young diana rigg. she won't let me take a photo of her and post it here, so you'll just have to take my word for it. when we're on the rota together to see customers at the counter, and there's a queue, i say "mrs peel, we're needed!"

but she's never seen the avengers so she just smiles at me like i'm a bit daft.


Re: Ask Darren

PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 1:28 pm
by Soapy
when we're on the rota together to see customers at the counter, and there's a queue, i say "mrs peel, we're needed!"

but she's never seen the avengers so she just smiles at me like i'm a bit daft.
Love it. :lol:

Darren, why isn't my dishwasher working?

Re: Ask Darren

PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:30 pm
by darren
Darren, why isn't my dishwasher working?
hmmm. not sure. maybe you should give her a back-rub and offer to take it in turns to wash up from now on? :p

Re: Ask Darren

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:05 am
by Peter
Darren, should I give Serenity (2005) two hours of my life (bearing in mind that I haven't seen a single episode of Firefly)?

Re: Ask Darren

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 2:32 pm
by darren
Darren, should I give Serenity (2005) two hours of my life (bearing in mind that I haven't seen a single episode of Firefly)?
i love serenity. it's up there with kubrick's 2001, the first couple of alien movies, forbidden planet, even zowie bowie's recent moon movie, at the top end of my all-time-favourite-sci-fi-films-list.

however, i'm a huge fan of firefly -- and serenity builds upon the characters and concepts from the series. lots of reviews go out of their way to say that you don't need to watch the series to appreciate the movie, but i'm not sure how true this is... certainly, the movie explains everything you need to know to understand it in its own right, but i think you'll enjoy it more having come to it via the series.

so, um. it's a really good movie, made even gooder by the series. what the hell, give it a go. and if you do watch it, let me know what you think of it!

Re: Ask Darren

PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 3:17 am
by Darragh
Moon was really enjoyable. If for nothing else watch it for Sam Rockwell's performance.

You really need to watch the stand out episodes of Firefly though. After watching the film after series I really felt like it was a film made for the fans not for the first timers. At least watch Out of Gas, Jaynestown and Objects in Space.

This is just a suggestion though not an answer as that is Darren's duty.

Re: Ask Darren

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:34 pm
by tellthemstories
When will the book of dust come out? (hehe)

on a more serious note,

have you read 'A song of ice and fire' by George R. R. Martin and if not, why not?

Re: Ask Darren

PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 8:07 pm
by darren
When will the book of dust come out? (hehe)
aargh! owww! uurrgle! noooo... the one question i cannot answer... *keels over*

let's face it, even pullman doesn't know. he's been planning it for a decade. it might never appear. it's almost reached that mythical princess bride sequel status, where we can't actually be sure whether there will be a sequel, or whether the author's just teasing us...
have you read 'A song of ice and fire' by George R. R. Martin and if not, why not?
i've got it on my kindle, but it's in a queue behind almost a dozen other ebooks. you never know, i might get round to reading it about the time the book of dust is published...

Re: Ask Darren

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 1:57 pm
by tellthemstories
well its your choice, but thats the best fantasy I've ever read (and I've read a lot of fantasy) and the cruel plot twists will tear you apart time and time again, the last book it going to be torment, I can tell already. The brilliance of these books is typified by this: game of thrones was the first book I've got my brother to read in 3 years and he's now at the end of book 3 :)

Re: Ask Darren

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:47 pm
by Melancholy Man
Darren, what is the Greek for political and economic chaos?

Re: Ask Darren

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 7:22 pm
by Peter
Darren, is it Retsina?