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PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 10:08 pm
by Lord H

Sorry sir, Mr Eloquent, sir *accompanied by click of boot heels and a sharp salute.*

PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 10:11 pm
by Nix
@ Eloquent: Why break habit of a lifetime
@ Witch-Girl : Above statement was a Joke

@ lord h : read the commandements (they are at the top of the newibie forum and somewhere in the annoncements) and dont comment on things you do not understand

PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 11:18 pm
by Qu Klaani
From a strictly catholic angle

Oh no not another one...

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 12:39 am
by Tristan
what's wrong with a catholic angle? :? ...the more variety the merrier..

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 12:41 am
by Justine
there is nothing wrong with Catholic people... I may not agree with everything they believe, but like merlyn said, the more the merrier.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 12:46 am
by jessia
i've always thought of catholicism as a very pretty religion with a very ugly past (and a bit of a present as well).

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 2:12 am
by jessia

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 4:44 pm
by Lord H
I know we had an ugly past but we have gone through several reformations and are completely different to the steryotype given to us.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 4:47 pm
by viper
Yes but you still support the inquosition

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 4:54 pm
by Lord H
In some areas yes, but that torture thing is wrong. Although they'd have my support to go knocking on Nix's door.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 4:59 pm
by viper
You once said they should have just killed the poor people instead of tourturing them.

ST.Finnbar, i like his name

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 10:45 pm
by Lord H
Yes, but not in all cases.
St. Finbar was an Irish catholic saint whose name means fibioharr(white headed) and he had the scottish isle of barr named for him. he was also the patron saint of my old school.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 12:20 pm
by viper
Ha conor you hound dog :P
Finnbar sounds like a pirate to me, HO ARR

PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 1:34 pm
by Qu Klaani
what's wrong with a catholic angle?

Nothing after all i am technically catholic (been to lourdes and all) it was the strcitly part that worries me.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 3:46 pm
by Lord H
why thank you for the compliment you're right too it does mean that, but it only has one "n", I don't skimp on languages if you do it isn't their language. We have some beautiful places here too, like our cathedral and even my church. Marble, gold, oak mahogany ect.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 4:22 pm
by viper
When you say Cathedral, you must be refering to the anglican one surely because youve got to admit you're catholic one is terrible.