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Pirates of the Archipelago - a Tale of Glory

PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 6:56 pm
by Peter
With A Child Of Glory finished it's time to move on :D Here's a teaser for the next projected story, which has the working title of Pirates Of The Archipelago:

We were all pirates that Sally-season; buccaneers, desperadoes, the Terrors of the Inner Sea. There were three of us, Jennifer, Millicent and me, and each of us had her own special pirate name. Jennifer was Slutty Jen, the Sea-Whore, but we called her Sluts for short. She was chief fo'c'sle-hand. Millicent was the cabin-boy, so of course she had to be Roger. And me - I was the Captain and I was treated with the respect and fear due to my ebony ringlets, gold hoop earrings and jewel-studded cutlass. You called me Cap’n or Skipper, or you walked the plank.

Re: Pirates Of The Archipelago, Part One

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:01 pm
by Somewhat
Glory is one of the most exciting worlds I've encountered. Do keep writing! I can't wait to see what she's going to do...

Re: Pirates Of The Archipelago, Part One

PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:28 am
by Peter
A bit of a pause, I'm afraid, because I'm busy on other stuff and I'm trying to pin down the plot details for this one. They keep wriggling - stop it, cursèd plot details!

Re: Pirates Of The Archipelago, Part One, and now Part Two!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:22 pm
by Peter
Oh, and by the way: "Leaven" sounds like "heaven", not "heathen".

Re: Pirates Of The Archipelago, Part One, and now Part Two!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:31 pm
by zemarl
oh, nicely ended there! i like this one the best so far *stares dreamily off into space thinking about all the boats in gimli/leaven/whathaveyou*

Re: Pirates Of The Archipelago, NOW! Part! Four!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:36 pm
by Somewhat
Your world is amazing, stunning, and utterly awe-inspiring, Peter. And the characters contrive to be even more lifelike than Glory, and the race seems to be even more lifelike than them. It is not without reason that you're one of my favourite authors.

A question if I may: will the 'Down's orbit eventually erode, and what's going to happen to Glory if it falls into the ocean? And does 'Down stand for anything?

Re: Pirates Of The Archipelago, NOW! Part! Four!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:03 pm
by Peter
moonflash wrote:Your world is amazing, stunning, and utterly awe-inspiring, Peter. And the characters contrive to be even more lifelike than Glory, and the race seems to be even more lifelike than them. It is not without reason that you're one of my favourite authors.

Thanks Ralphie. I hope you appreciated having a resort hotel named after you :) Like Annie I love sailing. Unlike her, I only get to do it once every decade or so and I have never raced.
A question if I may: will the 'Down's orbit eventually erode, and what's going to happen to Glory if it falls into the ocean?

No, I don't think the 'Down is in any danger from orbital decay, even though her orbital height is only around 270 miles. If she did fall into the ocean she'd certainly make quite a big splash, but nothing like as big as the one made by the comet strike that created the Archipelago.
And does 'Down stand for anything?

*Raps Raphael's knuckles*
In A Child Of Glory, the author of Johanna's book wrote:The Whistledown falls into the gravity field of the Blessèd sun like a man parachuting to the ground. The man and woman look up at the star, their faces full of gladness. Its rays light up the long-dark interior of the habitat.

Part Five of PotA is done and settling for a day or two before I post it.

Re: Pirates Of The Archipelago, NOW! Part! Four!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:06 pm
by zemarl
oooh i can hardly wait :D this is one of my favourite stories of yours so far ^^ as raph said, the characters in their world really come alive. out of curiousity, have you ever been in a sailboat race?

Re: Pirates Of The Archipelago, NOW! Part! Four!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:21 pm
by Peter
baltaje wrote:oooh i can hardly wait :D this is one of my favourite stories of yours so far ^^ as raph said, the characters in their world really come alive. out of curiousity, have you ever been in a sailboat race?

In my mid-teens my family owned a sailing dinghy (of the GP14 class) and we joined a sailing club. The club used to race every weekend, but I don't enjoy competitive sports of any kind and so I never took part. I watched, though.

I'm dreading the moment when Leif tells me I've got it all wrong. :D

Re: Pirates Of The Archipelago, NOW! Part! Four!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:03 am
by Somewhat
Peter wrote:
And does 'Down stand for anything?

*Raps Raphael's knuckles*
In A Child Of Glory, the author of Johanna's book wrote:The Whistledown falls into the gravity field of the Blessèd sun like a man parachuting to the ground. The man and woman look up at the star, their faces full of gladness. Its rays light up the long-dark interior of the habitat.

Not sure how I managed to miss that entirely... :P Pretty name. Don't know why they contract it.

Thanks Ralphie. I hope you appreciated having a resort hotel named after you :)

I appreciate Annie not getting a chance to burn it to the ground, certainly. ;)

Re: Pirates Of The Archipelago, Part Five Just In.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 12:15 pm
by Peter
Part six soon, but I want to get part seven well on its way first.

I'm not saying this is a treadmill, of course :lol:

I wonder how many more sraffies I can insult in this one?

Re: Pieces of (PotA) Eight!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 1:55 pm
by zemarl

i knew she'd win though :D

Re: Pirates of the Archipelago, Part Ten

PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:21 pm
by Peter
Part eleven is more or less done, but like the last few it's quite short.

What would you guys prefer? Short chunks at short intervals or longer slices, but with a correspondingly longer wait for them?

Oh, and do you think The Tides of Glory is a better title? I do.

Re: Pirates of the Archipelago - two questions

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 4:38 pm
by zemarl
i'm reading :P i just feel like i have little of importance to say. you get the "ooer that's fabulous peter" and "i love it, keep writing" and you probably find it disappointing in the way of critique so i try not to add many fanquotes of said vein. personally i find the pirates title to be more intriguing than glory despite that your preference may be more suitable, but that's just because i'll read almost anything to do with pirates if it's by a reputable source.

Re: Pirates of the Archipelago - Part Twelve has landed

PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 3:40 pm
by Peter
Part 13 tomorrow, probably. And then another two and it'll be finished. Raphael was right when he described this as 'epic' - although, as you probably realise, the ratio between writer-time and reader-time is something like 1000:1 :D

Re: Pirates of the Archipelago - Part Twelve has landed

PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 5:49 am
by zemarl
well that's how an epic is written, isn't it? you could, alternatively, sing it in the ancient greek, to be truly outstanding and take several days in the relaying. of course, only about three sraffies in the entire site might understand it. i prefer arts in their accessible forms most of the time.

in other words, can't wait!

Re: Pirates of the Archipelago , Part Thirteen

PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 4:10 pm
by Peter
Now, how am I going to get Studio Ghibli to film this? It's all right up Miyazaki-san's street, I'm sure :)

Re: Pirates of the Archipelago , Part Thirteen

PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:15 pm
by zemarl
:shock: *huggle*

*huggles annie, for the sake of it*

Re: PotA, Part 17 (and last)

PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 10:51 am
by Peter
Anne, with her father is out in the boat
Riding the water
Riding the waves
On the sea

Mercy Street