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Left 4 Dead

PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:51 pm
by Darragh
Movie 1

The Source engine is incredible.



Release Date: November 18, 2008 in the United States and November 21, 2008 in Europe to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the release of Half-Life. 10 years baby!

Platforms: P.C and Xbox 360. I shall be playing on Steam.

Wiki Entry:
Left 4 Dead is played in first-person perspective, where up to four players take control of the four main characters of the game; the "Survivors". If four human players are not available to play, the Survivors can also be AI-controlled bots. They play through the levels fighting off the Infected, which are humans who have been infected with a mysterious disease.

The game is focused on cooperation and team play; colored outlines are visible through walls to help players stick together and coordinate their movement, and Survivors can be knocked down by the Infected and only helped up by another player. If a teammate is downed after being helped up twice, without tending to his wounds in between, the player is out and must wait 60 seconds before respawning.

Certain "Boss Infected" also command special attacks, such as a Hunter's pin, which requires assistance from a teammate to get out of. Survivors can also share first-aid kits and help each other heal. Left 4 Dead has full friendly fire that cannot be switched off, increasing the need for caution around other Survivors.

The Survivors communicate by automated voice commands that are accessed by quick menus, and some will also sound off automatically when doing such things as reloading or spotting Infected. Over 1000 unique lines have been recorded for each Survivor. Additional communication of player actions is conveyed through character lights. Also, weapon-mounted flashlights and muzzle flashes help the players in determining whether their companions are shooting, performing melee attacks, reloading or moving.

The game is experienced through four scenarios that take place in various urban and rural locales, such as a hospital, an airport and a murky countryside. Each scenario is divided into several shorter sections marked by safehouse checkpoints, where players can heal, re-arm, calm their nerves, save their progress and retrieve players who were killed. The levels are neither linear nor completely open-ended or free-roaming. There are a number of alternate routes to follow with more supplies and alternate objectives. At the end of each scenario, the players must defend a position from an onslaught of Infected until rescue arrives. Each scenario lasts between 45 and 75 minutes.
The artificial intelligence of Left 4 Dead features a dynamic system for game dramatics, pacing, and difficulty called the "Director". Instead of set spawn points for enemies, the Director places enemies in varying positions and numbers based upon each player's current situation, status, skill and location, creating a new experience each playthrough. The Director also creates mood and tension with emotional cues such as visual effects, dynamic music and character communication.
It's notable how much faith Valve seem to have in this product. They have set up an ad campaign worth 10 million dollars for the U.S alone. This rivals a lot of big budget games from companies like E.A, Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony and Activision. It's probably a testament to how popular Steam has become reaching something like 15 million users at this stage.

Re: Left 4 Dead

PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:47 am
by AlexSP
what the shi!t? no PS3? total bollocks.

sorta funny ... 2 games i was waiting for a lot (bioshock, far cry 2) which i bought last week have both been super disappointing and i stopped playing both after a couple of hours ... and on a whim i bought dead space which i hadn't really heard much about and i love it and have been playing that a ton. that's life sometimes...

Re: Left 4 Dead

PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:10 pm
by Max
what the shi!t? no PS3? total bollocks.
Gabe Newell - Valve's impresario - thinks that PS3 is rubbish tech, so he doesn't develop for it (EA handled the Orange Box port).

Re: Left 4 Dead

PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 9:47 pm
by Diolmhain
Well this is the first i've seen of this game. So far I would and will sell my grandmother for it.

Re: Left 4 Dead

PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2009 10:52 am
by Zero
Am now playing co-op L4D with 3 pals - am laughing 90% of the time. Currently nothing is more fun than sharing a zombie massacre and occasionally getting devoured.

Re: Left 4 Dead

PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2009 7:24 pm
by LadyHawke
No, a real-live Zombie Walk is WAYYYY more fun....

Re: Left 4 Dead

PostPosted: Sun May 24, 2009 9:08 am
by Zero
"No, this isn't me...."

Or so you say.

Re: Left 4 Dead

PostPosted: Sun May 24, 2009 1:51 pm
by LadyHawke
Heh heh, no, that was at the San Deigo Zombie Walk. I wanted to have one around here, but it seems they are too uptight for that kinda thing.... :roll: