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Xbox Live Gamertags

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 4:15 pm
by kezmondo
What is everyone's xbox live gamertag?

Re: Xbox Live Gamertag's

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 4:38 pm
by Darragh

Gamerpoints: Not many. I would have more but I play the 360's "Exclusives" on P.C when I can.

Re: Xbox Live Gamertag's

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 4:42 pm
by TheKnifeBearer

I've already got two people from RoH 8) If they look here "Thakns for the adds!" (Y)

Add Me People!

Re: Xbox Live Gamertag's

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:29 pm
by Darragh
Damn,'ve maxed quite a few games...does it not drive you nuts trying to all the achievments? I normally just give up after I clear a game.

Re: Xbox Live Gamertags

PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 2:14 pm
by kezmondo
Damn,'ve maxed quite a few games...does it not drive you nuts trying to all the achievments? I normally just give up after I clear a game.
Yeah, I do go crazy a bit sometimes. But with games like Call of Duty and Rainbow Six it's worth it, because none of my friends can do it :D

Re: Xbox Live Gamertags

PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:36 am
by Max
Mine's 'Gullwire'. While I'm here, has anyone played the Mass Effect DLC? Worth it?

Re: Xbox Live Gamertags

PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 12:52 pm
by Darragh
Mine's 'Gullwire'. While I'm here, has anyone played the Mass Effect DLC? Worth it?
I didn't get it because I had no saves mid game. So to play it I would be starting my 3rd game and I just can do it again yet. I have heard that the DLC is acceptable if a little bit overpriced.

Re: Xbox Live Gamertags

PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:07 pm
by Diolmhain
Wahay! I completely have x-box live! Gamertag is Diolir, you can all expect requests... or whatever the slang for that is these days... ads i suppose... or something...

Re: Xbox Live Gamertags

PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:38 pm
by Darragh
I currently don't have an xbox but I will get it back once I finish metal gear and will add you both.

Re: Xbox Live Gamertags

PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:09 am
by Blinkus
You probably won't find me on Live for a little while, but I'd love to find some friendly people to catch online:


Re: Xbox Live Gamertags

PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 12:11 am
by Yrael
Joined today!

demon cat 444 (with spacing) Feel free to add me as a friend

900th Post!

Re: Xbox Live Gamertags

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:48 pm
by Jamie
I'm online for the next few weeks (1 month free trial)

'Tack and Bellz' if anyone wants to add.

If you'd like a free and helpful tuition in Pro Evolution Soccer then get in touch(, Darragh).

Re: Xbox Live Gamertags

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:59 am
by Darragh
I'm online for the next few weeks (1 month free trial)

'Tack and Bellz' if anyone wants to add.

If you'd like a free and helpful tuition in Pro Evolution Soccer then get in touch(, Darragh).
I shall add you but be careful what you wish for...

Also... ... 676&sr=1-2

Re: Xbox Live Gamertags

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 1:01 pm
by Yrael
Ah new friends on the friend list, cool.
I think i might buy that gold membership, it does seem pointless to spend £60 on an adaptor and then just not use it..

Re: Xbox Live Gamertags

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 5:40 am
by Nora

Got a 360 for christmas, add away. Feel free to recommend any good games, too.

Re: Xbox Live Gamertags

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:09 pm
by Darragh

Got a 360 for christmas, add away. Feel free to recommend any good games, too.
Cool! I accepted your friend invite.

Hmmm games. It depends what you like really but I'll reccomend some stuff in different genres.

Shooter- Bioshock, The Orange Box, Gears of War, Halo 3, Gears of War 2...

Action- Batman: Arkham Asylum, Grand Theft Auto 4, Resident Evil 5, Dead Space, Crackdown...

Driving- Realistic: Forza 3. Arcadey: PGR 4. Super Arcadey: Burnout Paradise.

RPG- Mass Effect, Fable 2, Lost Odyssey, Fallout 3....

Sports- Not big into these games apart from football

Xbox Live Arcade: Castle Crashers, Geometry Wars, Peggle, Braid, Street Fight 2 HD.

Bolded my personal favourites.