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PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 10:31 pm
by jessia
welcome! cool name too; where's it from, what's it mean?

i don't think the book's overshadowing by harry potter has been an actual problem (plus his dark material's outsold harry potter now). it deflected a lot of criticism about putting blasphemous ideas in children's books et cetera. if new line cinema handles the movies as well as they did for lord of the rings, i'll be satisfied. some people didn't like them so much, 'cause they cut certain parts out of the movie (but logically, if you don't cut it out, it'll either be too long or too much like harry potter)... but still, they were well made movies.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 7:46 pm
by TonyOn
Isn´t the Qu Clan the weirdos from Final Fantasy 9? But "klaani" is finnish...
Et sattumalta oo suomalainen?