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Hello (3rd time`s a charm)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 7:45 am
by particle23
I`ll keep this simple and quick and post more later. This is my 3rd attempt at just saying hello as my other 2 attempts have, for some unknown reason, not made it to the message board!

I`m a 30 something guy living in the South of England. His Dark Materials are my favourite read which results in my copies of the books being extremely well thumbed indeed!

Hope this post makes it!

Re: Hello (3rd time`s a charm)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:06 am
by Peter
I`ll keep this simple and quick and post more later. This is my 3rd attempt at just saying hello as my other 2 attempts have, for some unknown reason, not made it to the message board!

I`m a 30 something guy living in the South of England. His Dark Materials are my favourite read which results in my copies of the books being extremely well thumbed indeed!

Hope this post makes it!
Hi, and welcome to the board. FYI, the reason your two previous posts didn't immediately appear is that initial messages from newly registered members are held in a queue for approval by a moderator. This is an anti-spam measure.

Enjoy yourself here. There's lots to see!

Here's the essence of your earlier postings:
Hey all, I`m a keen Pullman fan and read His Dark Materials every year just before Christmas. I start with Once upon a time in the north and finish with Lyras Oxford. I hope soon to add the Dust books to the list! I found this site after a post on a FB group page about world book night. I will be giving away 48 copies of Northern Lights at Southampton airport on March 5th. These are special editions and will be free to anyone who turns up. Please take a look at the World book night here!/worldbooknight

and this is my event at the airport

Re: Hello (3rd time`s a charm)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:20 pm
by Soapy
Hay, welcome to the forum.

I am also in Southampton. Maybe we will come and say hi to you at the airport. Although I promise not to take one of your copies of Northern Lights. Those should be used to spread the word.

Anywho, you should pop into the chat to say hi.

Re: Hello (3rd time`s a charm)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:17 pm
by AlexSP

Re: Hello (3rd time`s a charm)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:43 pm
by Secret Someone

It's nice to see another Southampton person here! :)

I wish I could come and say hi when you're giving out NL, but unforutunately I'm going to be in London on that day.

Would it be possible to also spread word about this forum in conjuction with giving the books out? I know it's a bit cheeky to ask, but thought I would regardless. :P

I hope you have a good time here. :)

Re: Hello (3rd time`s a charm)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:13 pm
by particle23
Thanks for your reply and explanation Peter. I thought I may have said something I shouldn't have or broken some forum rule or other. It`s good to know the moderators are on the ball.

Sorry to disappoint Secret Someone but I`m not actually FROM Southampton (Although I did live there for a good few years when I was a lot younger) I reside a little way along the coast in that rival town of Portsmouth (please don`t hold that against me!)

I will try and get on chat at some stage when I have a bit more spare time but for now I shall peruse the other boards and see if anything tickles my fancy :wink:

Re: Hello (3rd time`s a charm)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:02 pm
by Anoria
Hello and welcome! I have a few important questions:
Are you a dot, or are you a speck?
When you're underwater, do you get wet? Or does the water get you instead?

It's always great to see a new... face-equivalent, especially one already involved in spreading the HDM love! I've been hearing a lot about World Book Night - I'm on the wrong continent to participate, but I hope you tell us all about your experiences.

Re: Hello (3rd time`s a charm)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:41 am
by Jaya
Hi! I'm glad you found your way here. Do look around the forum and see if there's anything that takes your interest. As Anoria said, we look forward to hearing your World Book Night experiences, you can discuss it here to your heart's content.

Re: Hello (3rd time`s a charm)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 7:09 am
by particle23
As a particle I consider myself smaller than both a dot and a speck. If I could overcome the surface tension of the water I would not consider myself to be wet but surrounded by a lot of other particles. :wink:

As for the WBN giveaway I will post my experiences on the forum and get around to the chat when I can!

Re: Hello (3rd time`s a charm)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:53 am
by Aletheia Dolorosa
Welcome to the forum, Particle!

If you're interested, we're re-reading His Dark Materials over the next three months (we've just started on Northern Lights/The Golden Compass). It'd be great to discuss them with someone who's read them as much as you! (The discussion is taking place on the Book Club sub-forum, which you need to be logged on to see.)