I thought Paradise Lost was quite good, actually. The poetry can sometimes be a bit 17th century, but for the most part its worded very well, and flows nicely. ... while Milton gives Satan a great personality and loads of excellent lines, and makes him by far the most interesting character in the epic, Milton's still on the side of the Kingdom.
I agree with Merlyn (hiya, BTW, good to see you again) to a certain extent. If you can stomach the
tortured syntax, it's a helluva read (pun intended). I personally find it very difficult going, but in terms of The Canon, it's probably in the Top Five Works of Literature You Are Required To Read. It is also the main starting point for most modern psychosemiological theory, including a huge portion of gender criticism (Milton's misogyny has been hotly debated pretty much since PL was written.)
As Merlyn observes, PL's central conceit is the depiction of Satan as a phenomenal, interesting, wondrous character. By contrast, the forces of Go(o)d are, well, boring as hell, to turn a phrase. The obvious attraction of the reader to Satan is clearly deliberate on Milton's part; it's up to the reader to decide why Milton did this. So many contemporaneous and subsequent readers came away with an overall impression of desiring Satan that he was forced (by morality, by shame, by the church, etc.) to write
Paradise Regained some years later in an attempt to prove that he was, in fact, a man of God.
Pullman pulls the same trick, but he doesn't feel apologetic for doing so. Here we have a depiction of the Fall and Temptation that is paradisiacal, and of the rejection of God's authority, that has engendered fanaticism on both sides of the debate: while Xn culturists decry HDM, especially conservative Catholics, its fans are equally devoted. We, the readers, have succumbed to Temptation, just as Lyra does; our Fall is subjective, psychological, and immanent, while hers is objective and transcendent. Pullman depicts this, of course, as an act of revolution, rather than a transgression, as Milton is forced to do.