The official film blog reports that British singer/songwriter Kate Bush will provide the song “Lyra,” for the Golden Compass soundtrack. Perhaps known best for her debut song “Wuthering Heights” (1978), Kate Bush has been a chart-topping success throughout her career, a first for solo female artists in the music industry. The Ivor Novello Award winner for Outstanding Contribution to British Music (2002) wrote and produced the title track, which features the Magdalen College Choir from Oxford, in her own studio. It will be available on the soundtrack, to be released 11 December. Read the press release here.
The latest issue of Homeground, the independent Kate Bush fanzine, reveals that Philip Pullman visited Kate at her home earlier this year, and it’s known that she is a fan of his work. The song will play over the ending credits of the film.
Awesome! Way better than Coldplay.
Huh, someone anonymously posted this on Wikipedia a couple of days ago. They didn’t provide a source though, so someone took it off. :p
Wicked! They’re clearly staying in the LoTR mould by having a female singer-songwriter do a song for the closing credits, but I’m glad it’s the amazing Kate Bush.
this makes me more optimistic about the production i think. kate bush is the coolest of cool.
according to the kate bush fansite, rumours have been going around for weeks will.
So Coldplay is out now?
i think we’re all hoping and assuming that’s the case. giant epic films like these usually only have one theme song.
Oh my God, she’s TERRIBLE. And come on, she named the song Lyra? LYRA? I think I’m going to hurl. What happened to Coldplay??
Coldplay is so overrated.
Kate Bush is just fine.
Kate Bush is an acquired taste. My mum used to play Kate Bush’s music when I was little, and I hated it — now I love it. Coldplay is good, but Kate Bush is less mainstream, more eccentric, and her lyrics are usually very thoughtful and literary. A good fit for Pullman’s style, I would think. I can’t wait to hear it!
Tara, what’s wrong with naming the song “LYRA”?
Not a huge fan of hers, but that sounds a lot tolerable than Coldplay (uuuggghhhh).
What’s wrong with naming a song after a character in the movie? Unless it’s the wrong movie. It’s not like she wrote a song called “Frodo” for the film.
The song over the end credits of “The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers” was titled “Gollum’s Song”, so it’s not unheard of to name a song after a main character. I’m sure Coldplay would have produced something acceptable, but Kate is much more – for lack of a better word – “otherworldly”. She’s a genre unto herself.
She’s written songs for only a handful of movies:
“This Woman’s Work” for “She’s Having a Baby”
“Be Kind to My Mistakes” for “Castaway” (the earlier one, not the Tom Hanks one)
She did a cover of “Brazil” for Terry Gilliam’s movie of the same name, but it wasn’t used in the final cut.
Kate took 12 years between albums, two years since her last album, and she pretty much refuses to do any promotional work. She’s not some flavor of the month added for commercial purposes. It sounds like Phillip Pullman specifically asked her to do it, visited her home to do so…and believes Kate can create the perfect song for the end of the film.
A deal with God!
THE best news since they started shooting this movie!
She already makes the type of music that fits perfectly as a soundtrack for HDM, not to mention the fact that she is, as “Chris Williams” noted, “not some flavor of the month added for commercial purposes” (unlike so many things associated with this production). They coudn’t have done it better in this department.
Excellent news.
Kate’s an exact fit for the story.
I dunno too much about her… but she’s definitely going to take some getting used to! I just hope this song is different from what i’ve heard. i just imagine the end credits having a slow, kind of mysterious sound. not saying it’ll be bad by any means; im looking forward to hearing it soon hopefully. i just kind of with Imogen Heap would have stayed off the Narnia franchise and done some stuff for HDM… that would rock.
This is exciting news and what an inspired choice.
Very surprised that she agreed to do it though.
I expect she has great respect for Pullman and it is a nod to him and his wonderful imagination.
Now I just know that the song won’t sound like anything you will expect.
Love the books and adore Kate’s individuality.
The score will be released on Dec 4, 2007. The Lyra’s song will be released on Dec 11, 2007. Is that truth?
“Tara, what’s wrong with naming the song “LYRAâ€ÂÂ?”
It implies that she may use the name in her lyrics for the song, which is cheesetastic (and I’m not saying for sure that she does that, we don’t know yet, but if Annie Lennox wrote a song called Frodo for LOTR, I would have groaned at that too).
After thinking it over, if she’s a big fan and Pullman likes her, that’s good enough for me. I’ll judge the song on its own merits and she may even be a better fit for the film (her sound is less mainstream and very unique — gives you the impression that she’s “otherworldly” or “not of this place”).
So my apologies to the Kate fans, no offense intended. It was a knee-jerk reaction. I’m not a fan of hers but I can support her involvement in the film, and if her song is wonderful, I’ll eat crow.
I heard the Coldplay story too but even Chris Martin has said how brilliant Kate Bush is. The Coldplay song Speed of sound was inspired by Kate’s song Running up that hill. They even attempt to copy her guitar sounds. After I heard this I bought one of her cds then another and so on
Anyway awesome decision – Kate Bush is the bravest coolest babe on the planet and she is way out there.
My Dad says she used to be a reluctant pin up in the 80’s and she has a great song called How to be invisible which is way better than loads of contemporary stuff.
My jaw actually dropped when I read this, since I’m a huge Kate Bush fan. Even if the movie turns out to be disappointing I’m hugely happy we’re getting a new Kate Bush song out of it.
How did they get her to do it?
She refuses everything
Massive kudos to the brain behind this move
Yes!!! Finally, some good news. Kate rocks!
I was surprised to her that Kate had accepted the offer to write a song for the film. Whereas in the past it was mooted that ColdPlay would do the honours.
The first book in the trilogy has a very gothic nature about it, especially its description of Jordan College and
the majesteriam HQ at Bolvangar where unspeakable experiments were carriedout.
I guess for this reason, this would appeal to Kate.
Anyway, they choose the right person with the right credentials.
Great artist if you can get her. Saw news about Kate’s inclusion on the BBC and was astounded.
Gonna go see and hear this for sure.
Tara, no problem, and thanks.
Anyone is wondering what Kate’s approach might be like, and why she would be so well suited to Pullman’s vision should check out her album “Hounds of Love”, specifically the suite of songs called “The Ninth Wave”. In it, the protagonist is lost in the middle of the ocean. Depending on one’s interpretation, she drowns and is reborn, or is rescued. It is a very “literary” piece of music.
One last Kate related bit: her brother John is a photographer, and Kate has been his main subject. He published a book called “Cathy”, a collection of his photos of her as a young girl. Click on my name to see an on-line version of the book. I believe the young Cathy Bush would have made an excellent Lyra, and that she would have a close affinity to Lyra.
Great choice, she’s gothic, ethereal, tragic… Can’t think of anyone better. Yes Imogen Heap would have been ok, but I’d say they owe a lot to Kate Bush anyway! Maybe they should bear Bat For Lashes in mind for one of the sequels.
Can’t be worse than Take That at the end of Stardust :-& what a shocker!
Yesss,great news,Kate is perfect.
Bat for Lashes is not a bad idea either,but they (she) is just starting .
The song is beautiful, strong and very fitting. Unmistakable voice – and top notch composition.
I have heard the song a couple of times now in context.
It is remarkable in its simplicity. Considering Kate Bush has the voice and talent to muster up a storm or even a hit as big as she chooses, I find it comforting to find that she chose to compliment the film and keep even the lyrics simple for what will largely be a young audience.
This woman is so far ahead of most of us and I admire her unselfish consideration for the both Lyra and the film.
Compliments to Ms Bush.
whats with the name, i mean THE GOLDEN COMPASS, are people too stupid to understand THE ALETHEOMETER or THE NORTHERN LIGHTS. Good God!
I totally agree with lad!!!!!!!!!
i for one won’t be watching this movie, loved the books, amazing writer..but sold out to hollywood!! Rubbish name for a start. Asriel should be older! and no doubt they have completely lost the whole point of the books.. anyone who sees it without reading the books first will get a completely different view of the story………
Just came home from the movie and I just have got to get the song. Kate Bush really caught my attention as the end credits rolled. Amazing amazing.
This is quite possibly the worst credits song I’ve ever encountered! Please God stop the whiny, painful and plaintive noise! Not only is the film a subset of the book made for kids at christmas to rake in as much money as possible, Kate Bush has now put the icing on the awfully made cake! Who wants to crack Kate on the head with a Lyra doll which will no doubt be made?! Me I tell you, me and I’ll be shouting Lyyyyyyyraaaaaaaaaaaaa, Lyyyyyraaaaaaaaaa while I do it!! Rah!
I just saw the movie tonight,and was touched by the movie. When the ending credits came and Kate Bush was singing,it topped it off for me.I’ve always been a fan of Kate Bush,(being 38 y/o)and had to find out more- I waited through most of the credits(very long),but must have missed the mention of her earlier on-
Yeah to Kate Bush- nice choice!
I agree with ed, the song was awful and droning! I walked away laughing at how ridiculous it sounded. How many times can someone rhyme “her” with “her”.
Two worlds collide around herrrrrrrr, the truth lies deep inside herrrrrrrrrr, Lyyyyyyyyyyra, Lyyyyyyyyyyra, and the stars look down upon herrrrrrrrr, this darkness settles on herrrrrrrrrr, Lyyyyyyyra, Lyyyyyyyra
Come on!
Oh Lyra… You’re such a great brave lady… I think in your level of your stardom right is just right in the same level as Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson. Just keep it up on your next “The Golden Compass” movie 2.
We are your greatest fan
I just saw “The Golden Compass” and loved the look of the film, especially the neo-retro/alternate universe Europeanesque “architecture” and art direction. I am one of those audience members that usually stays until the end of the film credits, but as soon as that stupid song came on when the credits started to roll I just had to leave. It almost ruined the whole movie for me. It was so bad I almost ran out of the theater. Sorry famous singer, I’m glad you have other fans- but I thought the song was so bad it was laughable.
I read PP’s trilogy this week. Have bought Kate Bush albums as issued since the 1980’s. I’d hardly describe Kate Bush as a fan of his writing! I suppose you could describe any man as a “Fan” of Jack Kerouac … but you’d be equally, enthusiatically, mistaken.
If their work is in synch, great. His trilogy is a lot more readable than, say, Harry Potter, but just as whimsical as Kate Bush’s take on the classics.
And the commercial powers that be have struck a deal? Wow. Maybe I should buy a television … what an awesome authority has spoken! I don’t think so. Why not enjoy each artist on their own merits?
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