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PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 12:05 am
by eloquent
Usually there's still peril and daunting tasks ahead, but an atmosphere of slightly euphoric hope... So the Empire remains, but the death star and it's attempt to crush the rebels were destroyed, and in HDM Roger died and everything, but they're walking into the sky to explore new worlds and find Dust.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 2:45 am
by Gabe
I think Episode I was supposed to be like that too, but I think a lot of people were somewhat crushed after seeing it... :wink:

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 5:14 pm
by LifeDaemon
My fav part was when Lyra finally got to go to the north, and the spy-fly came and attacked Pan... that was really exciting!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 5:11 pm
by Silvertounge wrote:I like page 417 (it's 417 in my copy of TAS atleast...) when they realized they were inlove and also when Lyra relized that she couldn't lie to the harpies... Also every chapter after Over the Hils an Far Away (the chapter were they kiss) and Marzipan.

this was my favorite part too. I also liked the part when will wasn't concerned with finding going to lord asriel, he had to save lyra first.. wait was that in TSK? yeah i think it was. The world of the dead was good too.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 10:22 pm
by Okibi n Rookie
My favorite part is the chapter I've read over and over. When Lyra has to leave Pantalaimon before going to the land of the dead. ;_; I like parts in a novel that can touch me emotionally, and that certainly did the trick. After reading it, I try to imagine what it would feel like to be separated from Rookie; which usually results in nausea and a pain in the chest. The thought's unbearable.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 12:01 am
by daemon
I can't really pinpoint a particular favourite scene, like a lot of people here I pretty much enjoyed every part of it.

One part that does stick out in my mind though is when Iorek reaches them at the battle just when the calvary is about to overcome them. I was pretty much choking back tears when he was reunited with the ghost of Lee Scoresby - perhaps a strange part to be upset by but it got to me at the time :?.

I was also touched when the ghosts passed through Lyra and Will to feel life again, and talked so enthusiastically about their dæmons; and then again when Lyra told them her story and they clung to every word of the world above - now I think of it, I enjoyed the whole of the World of the Dead as well :).

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 7:59 pm
by Ani
My favorite part was the story from Mary Malone about China and marzipan. I loved it!

And I loved the end, even if I nearly cried, I still loved it!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 9:25 pm
by Nix
that seems to eb a favourite with some people round here

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 4:02 am
by BenRoshi
hm... I liked the end the best myself. It was a nice slow down from the action that was in the middle.


PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2003 5:52 am
by wombat
I have to say my favorite part was Saint-Jean-Les-Eaux too. Although there are a lot of really beautiful scenes in the book, there's nothing like a dramatic, apocalypic action scene to hold your attention. This chapter was totally unpredictable, and Mrs. Coulter is a fantastic character.
I also like the chapter "Midnight". There's something about that calm before the storm feeling, and the strange tone this chapter has that's different from all the rest of the book.

Least favorite part: Lyra and Will avoiding the spies. *They're on your side, brats! Go help Lord Asriel!*

PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 8:36 pm
by wyatt
i duno, in the end when pp describes the very moment they know they're in love, when he talks about how when she tells him and all will's nerves light on fire and just that whole seen, well im a guy so i felt like i was will the whole time and it was amazing how much emotion the end brought out of me. i guess thats the reason why its my fav part. makes you want to know what that really felt like, ya know?

Favorite Part

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 1:18 am
by pvflaggirl
I know this has been mentioned a lot, but the end is my favorite part. I have never been moved this much by a love story! The way Pullman wrote about when they kissed for the first time, I thought 'this is what true love really is!' Then, when I figured out that they would have to seperate, I cried for a good half hour. So horrible!!!! :cry:

PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 7:53 pm
by Story
All of it!!
But my favourite bits were Alamo Gulch, Marzipan, Metatron attacking the Angels, The Silver Guillotine and the end( of course).

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 9:11 pm
by The Great Pumpkin
God, far too many.

The scene where Lyra has to leave Pantalaimon.
The Harpies.
Mrs Coulter and Lord Asriel's Sacrifice for Lyra
And the very end when Lyra says "The Republic of Heaven"

PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 10:11 am
by ed wood
the funniest bit is the begining of ch16 the intention craft, when asriel and coulter are arguing about lyra, that was so silly it just made me laugh. a bit of light relief.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 7:24 pm
by Angel to follow
I still love the anbar bit and the bits where pan tells lyra off, if thats not self conflict then I don't know what is.

PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2004 8:17 am
by King Chicken
Lyra leaving Pan, so sad *sniff* I actually cried a bit then. Great, everyone's going to make fun of me now. Hey! It was really sad. I'm quoting now.

He seemed to be so young, a cub, a puppy, something helpless and beaten, a creature so sunk in misery it was more misery than creature. His eyes never left Lyra's face, and Will could see her making herself not look away, not avoid the guilt, and he admired her honesty and her courage at the same time as he was wrenched with the shock of their parting. There were so many vivid currents of feeling between them that the very air seemed electric to him.

And Pantalaimon didn't say, "Why?", because he knew; and he didn't ask whether Lyra loved Roger more than him, because he knew the true answer to that, too. And he knew that if he spoke, she wouldn't be able to resist; so the dæmon held himself quiet so as not to distress the human who was abandoning him, and now they were both pretending that it wouldn't hurt, it wouldn't be long befire they were together again, it was all for the best. But Will knew that the little girl was tearing her heart out of her breast.
Then she stepped down into the boat. She was so light that it barely rocked at all. She sat beside Will, and her eyes never left Pantalaimon, who stood trembling at the shore end of the jetty; but as the boatman let go of the iron ring and swung his oars out to pull the boat away, the little dog-dæmon trotted helplessly out to the very end, his claws clicking softly on the soft planks, and stood watching, just watching, as the boat drew away and the jetty faded and vanished into the mist.

No more! I'll cry again otherwise. So sad. *sniff* I'm the only one here dedicated enough to quote the whole scene apparently. So sad...

PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2004 1:14 pm
by clarion
one of my favorite parts is near the end of the midnight chapter when i first realised that mrs. coulter and lord asriel loved each other all along despite what either may have said earlier.
and someone mentioned the mysterious nature of this chapter which i love too. like when she picked up the pistol from her bag but you never know what she was going to do with it.

oh and the foreshadowing when mrs. coulter asks lord asriel, "...what will happen to us? is this the end of everything?"

PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2004 3:54 pm
by Tomsy
I love the very end, with the bell chiming. It's so beautifully described. :cute: :love:

PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2004 4:30 am
by Leopold, Lord Chaparral
I always like the scene by the fire with Will and the Angels; Baruch and Balthamos cuddling made me all warm and tingly inside. They're cute like that.
The grapple over the Abyss between the Lord Regent and Lyra's parents was gripping though...
