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General Final Fantasy (&poll)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 12:35 am
by mtbanger
i am a final fantasy NUT as for my favourite game, all are as good as each other but i will have to go for FFVII, it was my first Final Fantasy game *sentimental moment* It rocks!!! :wink: (sorry about the missing 6 Final Fantasy's too many options Otherwise)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 12:44 am
by Qu Klaani
I added an option to make the poll more democratic.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 1:27 am
by Max
Despite the fact that if I look at it from a detached perspective I can see that many aspects of it are quite embarassingly... Japanese (in the sense of the elements of Japanese culture that allow dating simulations to be fairly mainstream) FFVIII was the first FF I played and I ~*iguana*~ love it. Really. I've invested many hundreds of hours of my life in it. And I don't regret a second.

FFVII is of course also magnificent, wasn't quite so keen on IX but it still ranks in my top 5 games. X not on the same level but still brilliant. X2 I leant to a friend soon after getting it and haven't got it back, XI I played for a bit but couldn't really be bothered with. Not long for XII - if it's a return to the halcyon PS1 days it'll make my year.

No FF bashing here if you haven't actually played them properly, please. It's the stories and characters that make them, and if you haven't experienced the stories and played the characters you don't know what you're talking about.

Qu Klaani wrote:I added an option to make the poll more democratic.

If you don't like them you could just... Not vote?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 1:53 am
by Qu Klaani
Pfft, abstaining is overrated.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 1:56 am
by Will
By this logic we should have a "~*iguana*~ the system" checkbox at General Elections.. awesome.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 2:28 am
by Cookiemonster
I absolutely love FFVII, FFVIII, and FFIX.
Played a little of FFX, and thought it was pretty good too.

Not sure which is my favourite though, VII probably has the best story, but the Chocobo mini game on IX is great and I think Vivi is fab, not to mention how much I love the card game!

Erm..... I think I'll have to go for VII though, as I played it most recently so its fresher in my mind.

I haven't actually completed any of the games yet - this sounds really stupid but I just can't bring myself to finish them! I think I've pretty much exhausted VIII, and IX, but I still have a couple of things I can do on VII.
Although I don't actually have the use of a playstation at uni (or at home anymore, come to think of it - drat!)

I shall stop rambling on now. :oops:

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 3:13 am
by Max
Cookiemonster wrote:VII probably has the best story, but the Chocobo mini game on IX is great

The Chocobo minigame on VII is much better...

and I think Vivi is fab, not to mention how much I love the card game!

The card game on VIII is much better...

I think I've pretty much exhausted VIII, and IX, but I still have a couple of things I can do on VII.

I ought to admit that I've done absolutely everything you can do on all three, including all the Ultimas/Omegas/Rubies. And I beat Emerald Weapon without using Knights of the Round. I had as little life all those years ago as now. :mrgreen:

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 3:54 am
by Will
Have any of you played any of the older 2D FF games? Because for the first time ever, I actually own a console that can play a FF game (the DS).

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 5:15 am
by Max
Will wrote:Have any of you played any of the older 2D FF games? Because for the first time ever, I actually own a console that can play a FF game (the DS).

I've played VI, which was very good. Haven't played III or Crystal Chronicles, though.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 7:09 am
by Darragh
Ahhh Final Fantasy the stealer of a little thing life. I really do wonder how much of my life was spent on these games.

Thinking about it I suppose FF VIII was the best all-rounder with some great characters and had some great set pieces.

Final Fantasy VI had the best story by far and as I understand most people reckon this to be the best one. I played it on an emulator after 7 and 8 and found it to be very enjoyable.

VII will always hold a special place in my gaming heart but they did it better in VIII.

Missed out on IX due to never buying a PS1 (Hardcore Sega fanboy) and they never released it on PC.

To be honest the tenth game didn't excite me nearly as much as previous titles. X-2 I have never played either because I didn't like the sound of it but if it comes out on the cheap I will get it then.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 3:06 pm
by mtbanger
Cookiemonster Said:
"IX is great and I think Vivi is fab, not to mention how much I love the card game!"

i agree, Vivi Rules!!

and i STILL cant quote, it dosent work for me can anyone help?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 6:15 pm
by Crazy Bear Mc.Gubbins
Where's VI????? VI is the pinnacle of greatness in the computer gaming world and it's not even on the list??? What kind of crazy world is this??? Admittedly I've not played beyond the original 2D ones because of going the whole nintendo route but FFVI is probably the most influential game I've ever played in my life. The story, the characters, the was all sublime. And unless you're a diehard groupy who knows how to find all the secret items that make the game laughably easy the challenge level was rock in some places. Hell I know I had to resort to a guide in the end at one point to figure out what I was supposed to be doing and I only played it for the first time last year. Everyone should play that game once in their life just for the experience. On a 32-bit console it just seems ludicrously impossible to make something with the artistic integrity of a masterpiece but it really was that damn good.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 6:32 pm
by Starshade
And of course I voted for FF7, due to the fact that the story immersed me completely, and because I'm a ~*iguana*~ softie.

VIII was the first one I finished, then VII, then IX, then VII again, then X and X-2.
I haven't finished VI and need to buy Origins and Chronicles, for collector value as well as playability.

VIII's card game rocks, I was rather good at it, yet Edea and Ellone were bitches to play.
IX was the best worldly, because of the vast space which you had to do the adventures in.
X of course, being the PS2 one, had a lot to live up to.
Unfortunately, it was extremely linear, and mildly boring.
But that didn't stop me putting 115 hours of play into it.
I'm a ~*iguana*~ nut, I know.
X-2 was the shortest game. My sister completed it in 45 hours, with level 70 on all characters.

But VII still rules.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 8:00 pm
by Cookiemonster
Max wrote:
Cookiemonster wrote:VII probably has the best story, but the Chocobo mini game on IX is great

The Chocobo minigame on VII is much better...

The racing? Yeah, thats good too, forgot to mention that.

and I think Vivi is fab, not to mention how much I love the card game!

The card game on VIII is much better... [/quote]
Never played it myself, I'm going to give it a go next time I go through the game. I kept thinking - 'I'll give it a go later in the game', and of course you get to that bit where all the cities are locked so you can't.

I think I've pretty much exhausted VIII, and IX, but I still have a couple of things I can do on VII.

I ought to admit that I've done absolutely everything you can do on all three, including all the Ultimas/Omegas/Rubies. And I beat Emerald Weapon without using Knights of the Round. I had as little life all those years ago as now. :mrgreen:[/quote]
I nearly beat Emerald a few times, but I kept making silly mistakes.
I think I beat Ruby, can't remember - its so long since I've played the games now (well, 5 months or so, but a lot's happened since then)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 10:19 pm
by Max
Psy-Tychist wrote:VIII's card game rocks, I was rather good at it, yet Edea and Ellone were bitches to play.

Edea with her damn Random rule - but you just toss all the common cards and she becomes fairly easy. Ellone I beat first go and won her very lovely Laguna card, which allowed me to beat Omega weapon, Hardest Boss in Any Game Everâ„¢.

IX was the best worldly, because of the vast space which you had to do the adventures in.

Hmm, I reckon definitely VII - not only the land, but the oceans too! More secret places, more interesting world-exploration sidequests, and cooler geography, too.

Cookiemonster wrote:X of course, being the PS2 one, had a lot to live up to.
Unfortunately, it was extremely linear, and mildly boring.
But that didn't stop me putting 115 hours of play into it.

Total of two hundred hours :oops:. But then my characters could do, for example, 1.2 million damage (Wakka) 1 million (Tidus) or... freakin loads (Yuna) every move by the time I'd finished with it.

X-2 was the shortest game. My sister completed it in 45 hours, with level 70 on all characters.

Hmm, I'm going to email the person who has it.

I kept thinking - 'I'll give it a go later in the game', and of course you get to that bit where all the cities are locked so you can't.

You can get to the Sacred Chocobo Forest, whence you ride a Chocobo to find the Ragnarok, whereupon are 'some cardplayers'.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 10:28 pm
by Darragh
which allowed me to beat Omega weapon, Hardest Boss in Any Game Everâ„¢.

Yes that was one epic battle and incredibly satisfying when finally won.

The end of Doom 2 on nightmare mode was quite hard too. I cleared it...God Mode=On....just about.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 10:42 pm
by Rocket
FFVII on the greystation.

Darragh wrote:The end of Doom 2 on nightmare mode was quite hard too. I cleared it...God Mode=On....just about.

I never finished Metroid Prime :(

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 11:56 pm
by Crazy Bear Mc.Gubbins
The Final Boss of FFVI wins the accolade for best artwork and best music seen in a boss fight ever. To my shame I have to admit I even went to the lengths of recording it just so I could watch the final fifteen minutes over and over again whenever I felt like it and couldn't be arsed to play :oops:

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:33 am
by Celestial Madness
FF7 was great, IX was good, had a nice story tons of extra stuff, X was kind of disappointing. Overall I liked IX the best (vivi rocks). I've played FFXI and it is a good game, way diff then any other FF, but takes a lot of time to get anywhere in it.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:59 pm
by mtbanger
Celestial Madness wrote
"FF7 was great, IX was good, had a nice story tons of extra stuff, X was kind of disappointing. Overall I liked IX the best (vivi rocks). I've played FFXI and it is a good game, way diff then any other FF, but takes a lot of time to get anywhere in it."

Not sure about FFIX bieng better than FFVII but i say its up there.
i agree about vivi though, VIVI ROCKS!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO (sorry, i exite easily) FFX was a good game but they need to introduce the world map again and the story was kind of anti-climactic.

I still say that FFVII is the best though.