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Things you may have missed

PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:07 am
by Stelmaria7
I need to re read the golden compass in the next month before the movie comes out but i seem to have missed major glishes in peoples daemons. I dont thing i was reading very carefully. so can you point out some things that you noticed that other people may have missed. OR that every one noticed that i may have missed

PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 4:21 am
by bee
Okay. Go for it!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 6:04 am
by aklebury
bee wrote:Okay. Go for it!

I think he/she wanted other people to point out things...

I'm not entirely sure which things though... so... yeah
What exactly did you want to know Stelmaria7?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 8:36 pm
by moyeongsu
I'll point out something. I just started re-reading Golden Compass last night and noticed in Chapter 2: The Idea of North that there is a sentence where it talks about the scholars chasing her away from the fruit trees in the garden. Does anyone else think this could be a subtle allusion to Eve?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 11:45 pm
by Mogget
Almost definitely. When the scholars chase her away from the tree, it makes sense that PP is alluding to the Eden myth because it is surrounded by mentions of Dust and dæmon settling and Church lectures, and might be one of the many examples of Lyra jumping the gun on one goal or another. She's a very impatient girl you know.

Re: Things you may have missed

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 5:52 am
by Quantum Reality
Apologies for gravedigging, but did the books ever make clear what would happen to Will's daemon when passing back into his own world? I've not got my copy of the Amber Spyglass to check.

Re: Things you may have missed

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 6:08 am
by MojaveByrd
I believe that Will and Mary would be able to see their own daemons but no one else would be able to. I don't remember if it was Xaphania or Seraphina that told them that.

Re: Things you may have missed

PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 3:34 pm
by Mockingbird
MojaveByrd wrote:I believe that Will and Mary would be able to see their own dæmons but no one else would be able to. I don't remember if it was Xaphania or Seraphina that told them that.

I received the impression that Will's daemon would remain material. But since he is a "witch" in many ways, according to Serafina, he would be able to separate from her and go to school and do other normal things without a cat tagging along. Happily, Kirjava doesn't have conspicuous form anyway.

I think that Serafina told Mary she would be able to see her daemon if she looked for him the right way, but he didn't actually materialize.


PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2008 10:11 am
by LauraHDM
moyeongsu wrote:I'll point out something. I just started re-reading Golden Compass last night and noticed in Chapter 2: The Idea of North that there is a sentence where it talks about the scholars chasing her away from the fruit trees in the garden. Does anyone else think this could be a subtle allusion to Eve?

That's a good one! I never thought of that! :shock:

Re: Things you may have missed

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:31 pm
by shady
I believe that Will and Mary would be able to see their own dæmons but no one else would be able to. I don't remember if it was Xaphania or Seraphina that told them that.
Everyone could see will`s daemon,but mary`s not.

Re: Things you may have missed

PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:06 pm
by Philharmonic
i dont know about this but i hear there is a major glitch with Ma Costa's dæmon. at some point he changes from a hawk to a dog or so im told by several people. im rereading nl now so ill check.

Re: Things you may have missed

PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 7:02 pm
by L and M
i dont know about this but i hear there is a major glitch with Ma Costa's dæmon. at some point he changes from a hawk to a dog or so im told by several people. im rereading nl now so ill check.
If it is true, the newer versions may not have that mistake, if you have them.

Re: Things you may have missed

PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 7:29 pm
by shady
i dont know about this but i hear there is a major glitch with Ma Costa's dæmon. at some point he changes from a hawk to a dog or so im told by several people. im rereading nl now so ill check.
Yeah,i`ve noticed it,but i have a newer version so it is not repaired.i have reread NL week ago so i remember :P

Re: Things you may have missed

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:57 pm
by Stelmaria7
Her daemon doesn't change in the book but he does in the movie. He's a hawk and then when they find out about Bill he changes. I don't remember what form thought mabe thats were your geting it from? that glitch isn't in the book I read.

About Mary and Will's daemons, they take form and only Mary and Will can see them unless they show people how to. Mary's is an exception thought because she has to squint and per at him sideways to see him. Does Mary's daemon have a name?

Re: Things you may have missed

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:10 am
by shady
Her dæmon doesn't change in the book but he does in the movie. He's a hawk and then when they find out about Bill he changes. I don't remember what form thought mabe thats were your geting it from? that glitch isn't in the book I read.

About Mary and Will's dæmons, they take form and only Mary and Will can see them unless they show people how to. Mary's is an exception thought because she has to squint and per at him sideways to see him. Does Mary's dæmon have a name?
Probably not,coz it isnt material but she could name it.

Re: Things you may have missed

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:07 am
by Serenula
I noticed 2 new things on my rereading of TSK today. First of all, did anyone else notice imagery when Will and Lyra go to Sir Charles Latrom's house? It was like bee imagery, they talked about the house being the color of honey and the hallway smelling of beeswax and flowers.

Also, I just realized that they mentioned the person who created the many world's theory in our world. His name was Everett.

Re: Things you may have missed

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 6:56 am
by kaoshoneybun

Re: Things you may have missed

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 7:57 pm
by xFaiiryTaLex
does anybody know if the golden monkey has a name?? I think it isn't mentioned but maybe someone read it somewhere.. ??

I really want Lyra and Will to meet again, that's why I think about any option there is for them to see each other..

one of them: hasn't Serafina Pekkala mentioned that W & L became witches in some ways, so why can't they pick up a broom (sorry I'm german so I don't know what "Wolkenkiefernzweig" is called in english) and fly through one of the windows Ruta Skadi used ?? they aren't man made and I think Serafina said something like "whitche know other ways to travel through worlds" ..

Re: Things you may have missed

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2009 7:02 am
by kaoshoneybun
The monkey has no name but in the radio version is called Ozymandus but Pullman didn't like it.

It is the angels not the witches who knew how to travel between worlds, with the power of imagination.

All the windows were going to be closed up by the angels, even the natural ones.

Hope that helps :)

Re: Things you may have missed

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 3:00 am
by MojaveByrd
What about that big hole Asriel blew into the cosmos? Did they close that? I don't remember.